
Usually I like to take advantage of our summer days by packing them full of activities and field trips.  I have found in the past, if I don’t at least have a loose plan in place, nothing seems to get done and everything gets put off until tomorrow.

Last year was a little different, I over-planned.  We traveled and quilted and practiced instruments and traveled some more and did crafts and grew tomatoes and went to sports camps and swim meets and scout camp and band camp and girl’s camp and cousin’s week.  It made the time go by quickly, which was the point, but by the end of the summer I was beyond exhausted.  It was too much.

This year is different as well.  The year, up until now, has had a lot of challenges, some big some small but all emotional.  It has taken toll and I just don’t have the energy to do the extras I usually like to do.  Luckily, the kids are much more independent this year.  Dan is driving so he can get himself to his activities.  We live two blocks away from the pool so the girls can walk to and from practice.  They all want to be with their friends more than in the past.

They each have a list of things that need to be done each day; things like reading a chapter in a book, practicing the horn, knitting a square for a blanket we’re making.   As soon as they are done though, the day is theirs to be with friends or sit in front of screens.  I’m okay with that.


The only thing really different is that my friend Sue and I are getting together with our kiddos (her grandkids, my kids) to do some sewing projects.  She and I made little pouches awhile back (above) and that is going to be our first project.

She told me the only rule, no more white zippers. Ooops!