Regina’s Wedding Quilt

This week I made this quilt for my dear friend Regina.  Her son was married last June.  At the wedding she asked people to write marriage advice on cards she put on each table.  Then she printed the advice onto fabric.

Rooney upclose

A few weeks ago she sent me the printed fabric as well as a bunch of other fabrics with a note to put it together somehow.

When Regina gave me carte blanche to do what I wanted, one design came to mind.

PS-1I knew it would be perfect to frame the advice squares.

I’ve seen several of them that I like, this one and this one and this one;  I’ve been wanting to make one for years.  This was my chance.

With the fabric Regina sent me I made a light-dark, light-dark pattern.


I was able to quilt it and bind it and send it off in plenty of time before the newlywed’s first anniversary.

What do you think?

Watch for the pattern, I should have it up soon.

Liz’s Quilt

I can’t tell you how happy our family was when we found out that my sister in law Liz and brother Jared were expecting another baby.  It had been a long time in coming and it was a joyful, tearful, happy day.  Even now I can’t think about it without getting emotional.



Of course I was going to make my expected little niece a quilt.   When Liz and I talked about different quilts she might want for the nursery,  she remembered that she had an old quilt that she wanted to repurpose.  She hadn’t seen it for a while and she wasn’t sure if she could even track it down and if she did track it down, she wasn’t sure if it would even be useable.   She found it though (yea!) and sent it to me.

It was large for a baby quilt, about 55′ x 55′, and has a faded pale pink, almost white back ground with a tiny pink rosebud print.  So so sweet.  It had also been hand quilted, I love that.

Before it had come into her possession this quilt had obviously been well loved and well used.  There is something so lovely about that.  Knowing that something was loved or maybe a comfort to some little girl, now all grown up.



The blanket was not in good shape.  The edge of one side was torn and there were spots all over the quilt, large and small, where the fabric was worn through or very thin.  There were also quite a few brown, milk stains.

The first order of business was to get rid of the stains.  Nothing worked very well until I soaked it in Oxyclean.  And for the darker spots I had to concentrate the powder directly on the spot.  It worked.

Getting stuck

So now I had a clean blanket and I had seen the larger holes but when I looked at it closely, there were little tiny holes were everywhere.  If they weren’t on one side, they were on the other.  I didn’t see how I was going to get even a baby sized quilt out of it.

I thought my only choice was to cut it into useable pieces and piece it with other fabrics.  That bummed me out.  It would be almost impossible to preserve the hand quilting and I wasn’t sure how this old fabric would look and feel with new fabric.

There was one area of the quilt that only had a few small holes, and holes are holes, but then . . .

Light bulb!

I thought about appliqué!  I could appliqué small patches over the little holes!

Once I thought of that, it only took a few hours to finish.  I cut the piece, put a binding of white on it and then appliquéd three little hearts over the holes.  Below is my Instagram finishing up one of the appliqués.


This is the first quilt I’ve ever repurposed and although it was a challenge, I loved doing it and am so happy with the final product.

The story doesn’t end there.

Just the other day I got this text from Liz.

Liz: Just found out that old blanket? My great grandmother quilted it for my mother when she was a little girl. How sweet is that???  So glad we were able to revive it!!!

Me: That is so wonderful! I thought it was a thrift store find!

Liz: So it will be made by our daughter’s great great grandma (who was married to Henry Call, our Henry’s  namesake)

Me: I’m glad I saved the quilting and didn’t pull it out.  Hand quilted by your great grandmother.  Her very own stitches.  It’s making me cry.

I feel privileged that I was able to be a part of this sweet story and can’t wait to get my hands on my little niece.

Quilt Rule #7

Use Texture

This one is more of a tip than a rule.  Quilting fabric is wonderful, of course, but consider shaking things up and throw some textured fabrics into your next quilt.

This is a quilt that my sister Sara made for my daughter Sara, when she was born.  It is one of my very favorite things made by one of my very favorite people.  Although the design is simple and the fabrics are monochromatic, she added interest and movement to it by using textured fabrics.


Look at all the different textures she used.  In this closeup shot you can see waffle fabric, two different kinds of damask, crushed silk, linen and satin.  She didn’t stop there, she then added depth by sewing tiny cream rosettes into the corners of each square.  Then she went even further buy adding lace to the edge (see above) to make the perfect quilt for our baby girl.



The back of the quilt is one large piece of cream satin so it was soft and luxurious and just right for a baby’s sensitive skin.

Ever practical, Sara also made sure that all the these fabrics were washable, as babies are not always clean and tidy.  She knew if I used this quilt it would eventually need to be washed.  I did use it and I washed it again and again.  She chose well because, as you can see, it still looks brand new even though it is 13 years old.

So try using texture in a quilt.  I’d love to hear how it works for you.